If I were the 3 Kings I’d run like hell

I bet your Christmas tree is long down.  Chances are, you have packed up your ceramic figures of people pooping, vacuumed up the tinsel and sworn to eat nothing but vegetables for the rest of your life.  Christmas is long over, right?

Hell no! Over here in Spain we are just winding up for the main event.  Tomorrow the three kings come to town and the real festivities begin.

Today was  “El Arrastre de Latas”  which literally means “The dragging of the cans”.  It’s an Algeciras tradition.  The kids hit the street with a string of tin cans.  The noise is supposed to alert the three kings to stop by and bring presents.  A bit like tempting Santa with milk and cookies.  Except noisier.

And of course, it is a chance to be seen in your winter white finery,

And best bonnet.  (Do these kids never spill or wipe their noses on their sleeves?)

The cans are dragged behind strollers, skateboards and bikes.

Some people make elaborate structures.

Most just reveal whether their parents drink Coke or Pepsi.  Most drink beer.

Some just stay out-of-the-way.

I think I’ll just watch from the safety of my car, thanks very much.

Dragging cans along a bumpy street is bloody noisy. Can you imagine 5 kids all dragging cans?  How about 20 kids?  What kind of ruckus would 100 kids with cans make?

And then, imagine every kid in Algeciras dragging cans down the main street.

Yago was asleep at this point.  Now you know why fireworks don’t phase him.

The only thing he can’t sleep through is a quiet night in his own bed.


  1. I am grateful that you live in Spain, if only for the reason that it gives you something to write about and photograph on a daily basis. This is a hilariously ceremonial, traditional place!

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